/* * Copyright 2001-2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XercesXPath.cpp 191701 2005-06-21 18:16:34Z cargilld $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const XMLByte XPathScanner::fASCIICharMap[128] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 1, 16, 17, 18, 1, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 1, 22, 1, 23, 1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 1, 24, 1, 1, 1 }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesNodeTest: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesNodeTest::XercesNodeTest(const short aType, MemoryManager* const manager) : fType(aType) , fName(new (manager) QName(manager)) { } XercesNodeTest::XercesNodeTest(const QName* const qName) : fType(QNAME) , fName(new (qName->getMemoryManager()) QName(*qName)) { } XercesNodeTest::XercesNodeTest(const XMLCh* const prefix, const unsigned int uriId, MemoryManager* const manager) : fType(NAMESPACE) , fName(new (manager) QName(manager)) { fName->setURI(uriId); fName->setPrefix(prefix); } XercesNodeTest::XercesNodeTest(const XercesNodeTest& other) : XSerializable(other) , XMemory(other) , fType(other.fType) , fName(new ((other.fName)->getMemoryManager()) QName(*other.fName)) { } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(XercesNodeTest) void XercesNodeTest::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { if (serEng.isStoring()) { serEng<>fType; serEng>>fName; } } XercesNodeTest::XercesNodeTest(MemoryManager* const) :fType(UNKNOWN) ,fName(0) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesNodeTest: Operators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesNodeTest& XercesNodeTest::operator=(const XercesNodeTest& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; fType = other.fType; fName->setValues(*(other.fName)); return *this; } bool XercesNodeTest::operator ==(const XercesNodeTest& other) const { if (this == &other) return true; if (fType != other.fType) return false; return (*fName == *(other.fName)); } bool XercesNodeTest::operator !=(const XercesNodeTest& other) const { return !operator==(other); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesStep: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesStep::XercesStep(const unsigned short axisType, XercesNodeTest* const nodeTest) : fAxisType(axisType) , fNodeTest(nodeTest) { } XercesStep::XercesStep(const XercesStep& other) : XSerializable(other) , XMemory(other) , fAxisType(other.fAxisType) , fNodeTest(0) { fNodeTest = new (other.fNodeTest->getName()->getMemoryManager()) XercesNodeTest(*(other.fNodeTest)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesStep: Operators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesStep& XercesStep::operator=(const XercesStep& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; fAxisType = other.fAxisType; *fNodeTest = *(other.fNodeTest); return *this; } bool XercesStep::operator==(const XercesStep& other) const { if (this == &other) return true; if (fAxisType != other.fAxisType) return false; if (fAxisType == XercesStep::CHILD || fAxisType == XercesStep::ATTRIBUTE) { return (*fNodeTest == *(other.fNodeTest)); } return true; } bool XercesStep::operator!=(const XercesStep& other) const { return !operator==(other); } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(XercesStep) void XercesStep::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { if (serEng.isStoring()) { serEng<<(int)fAxisType; serEng<>i; fAxisType = (unsigned short) i; serEng>>fNodeTest; } } XercesStep::XercesStep(MemoryManager* const) :fAxisType(UNKNOWN) ,fNodeTest(0) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesLocationPath: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesLocationPath::XercesLocationPath(RefVectorOf* const steps) : fSteps(steps) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesLocationPath: Operators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XercesLocationPath::operator==(const XercesLocationPath& other) const { unsigned int stepsSize = fSteps->size(); if (stepsSize != other.fSteps->size()) return false; for (unsigned int i=0; i < stepsSize; i++) { if (*(fSteps->elementAt(i)) != *(other.fSteps->elementAt(i))) return false; } return true; } bool XercesLocationPath::operator!=(const XercesLocationPath& other) const { return !operator==(other); } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(XercesLocationPath) void XercesLocationPath::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { if (serEng.isStoring()) { /*** * Serialize RefVectorOf* fSteps; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fSteps, serEng); } else { /*** * Deserialize RefVectorOf* fSteps; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fSteps, 8, true, serEng); } } XercesLocationPath::XercesLocationPath(MemoryManager* const) :fSteps(0) { } typedef JanitorMemFunCall CleanupType; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesPath: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XercesXPath::XercesXPath(const XMLCh* const xpathExpr, XMLStringPool* const stringPool, NamespaceScope* const scopeContext, const unsigned int emptyNamespaceId, const bool isSelector, MemoryManager* const manager) : fEmptyNamespaceId(emptyNamespaceId) , fExpression(0) , fLocationPaths(0) , fMemoryManager(manager) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XercesXPath::cleanUp); try { fExpression = XMLString::replicate(xpathExpr, fMemoryManager); parseExpression(stringPool, scopeContext); if (isSelector) { checkForSelectedAttributes(); } } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XercesXPath::~XercesXPath() { cleanUp(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesXPath: Operators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XercesXPath::operator==(const XercesXPath& other) const { unsigned int locPathSize = fLocationPaths->size(); if (locPathSize != other.fLocationPaths->size()) return false; for (unsigned int i=0; i < locPathSize; i++) { if (*(fLocationPaths->elementAt(i)) != *(other.fLocationPaths->elementAt(i))) return false; } return true; } bool XercesXPath::operator!=(const XercesXPath& other) const { return !operator==(other); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesPath: Helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XercesXPath::cleanUp() { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExpression);//delete [] fExpression; delete fLocationPaths; } void XercesXPath::checkForSelectedAttributes() { // verify that an attribute is not selected unsigned int locSize = (fLocationPaths) ? fLocationPaths->size() : 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < locSize; i++) { XercesLocationPath* locPath = fLocationPaths->elementAt(i); unsigned int stepSize = locPath->getStepSize(); if (stepSize) { if (locPath->getStep(stepSize - 1)->getAxisType() == XercesStep::ATTRIBUTE) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoAttrSelector, fMemoryManager); } } } } void XercesXPath::parseExpression(XMLStringPool* const stringPool, NamespaceScope* const scopeContext) { unsigned int length = XMLString::stringLen(fExpression); if (!length) { return; } ValueVectorOf tokens(16, fMemoryManager); XPathScannerForSchema scanner(stringPool); bool success = scanner.scanExpression(fExpression, 0, length, &tokens); bool firstTokenOfLocationPath=true; unsigned int tokenCount = tokens.size(); RefVectorOf* stepsVector = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(16, true, fMemoryManager); Janitor > janSteps(stepsVector); if (tokenCount) { fLocationPaths = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(8, true, fMemoryManager); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) { int aToken = tokens.elementAt(i); bool isNamespace=false; switch (aToken) { case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_UNION: { if (i == 0) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoUnionAtStart, fMemoryManager); } int stepsSize = stepsVector->size(); if (stepsSize == 0) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoMultipleUnion, fMemoryManager); } fLocationPaths->addElement(new (fMemoryManager) XercesLocationPath(stepsVector)); janSteps.orphan(); stepsVector = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(16, true, fMemoryManager); janSteps.reset(stepsVector); firstTokenOfLocationPath = true; } break; case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_ATTRIBUTE: { // consume "::" token and drop through i++; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_ATSIGN: { // consume QName token if (i == tokenCount - 1) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_MissingAttr, fMemoryManager); } aToken = tokens.elementAt(++i); if (aToken != XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_QNAME && aToken!= XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_ANY && aToken!= XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_NAMESPACE) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_ExpectedToken1, fMemoryManager); } bool isNamespaceAtt=false; switch (aToken) { case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_ANY: { XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(XercesNodeTest::WILDCARD, fMemoryManager); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::ATTRIBUTE, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_NAMESPACE: { isNamespaceAtt = true; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_QNAME: { aToken = tokens.elementAt(++i); const XMLCh* prefix = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; unsigned int uri = fEmptyNamespaceId; if (scopeContext && aToken != -1) { prefix = stringPool->getValueForId(aToken); uri = scopeContext->getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); } if (aToken != -1 && scopeContext && uri == fEmptyNamespaceId) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_PrefixNoURI, prefix, fMemoryManager); } if (isNamespaceAtt) { // build step XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(prefix, uri, fMemoryManager); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::ATTRIBUTE, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); break; } aToken = tokens.elementAt(++i); const XMLCh* localPart = stringPool->getValueForId(aToken); QName aQName(prefix, localPart, uri, fMemoryManager); // build step XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(&aQName); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::ATTRIBUTE, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); break; } } firstTokenOfLocationPath=false; break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON: { // should never have a bare double colon ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoDoubleColon, fMemoryManager); } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_CHILD: { // consume "::" token and drop through i++; if (i == tokenCount - 1) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_ExpectedStep1, fMemoryManager); } firstTokenOfLocationPath=false; break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_ANY: { XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(XercesNodeTest::WILDCARD, fMemoryManager); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::CHILD, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); firstTokenOfLocationPath = false; break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_NAMESPACE: { isNamespace=true; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_QNAME: { // consume QName token aToken = tokens.elementAt(++i); const XMLCh* prefix = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; unsigned int uri = fEmptyNamespaceId; if (scopeContext && aToken != -1) { prefix = stringPool->getValueForId(aToken); uri = scopeContext->getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); } if (aToken != -1 && scopeContext && uri == fEmptyNamespaceId) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_PrefixNoURI, prefix, fMemoryManager); } if (isNamespace) { // build step XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(prefix, uri, fMemoryManager); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::CHILD, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); break; } aToken = tokens.elementAt(++i); const XMLCh* localPart = stringPool->getValueForId(aToken); QName aQName(prefix, localPart, uri, fMemoryManager); // build step XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(&aQName); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::CHILD, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); firstTokenOfLocationPath = false; break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD: { // build step XercesNodeTest* nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(XercesNodeTest::NODE, fMemoryManager); XercesStep* step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::SELF, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); if (firstTokenOfLocationPath && i+1 < tokenCount) { aToken = tokens.elementAt(i+1); if (aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_DOUBLE_SLASH){ if (++i == tokenCount - 1) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_ExpectedStep2, fMemoryManager); } if (i+1 < tokenCount) { aToken = tokens.elementAt(i+1); if (aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_SLASH) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoForwardSlash, fMemoryManager); } } // build step nodeTest = new (fMemoryManager) XercesNodeTest(XercesNodeTest::NODE, fMemoryManager); step = new (fMemoryManager) XercesStep(XercesStep::DESCENDANT, nodeTest); stepsVector->addElement(step); } } firstTokenOfLocationPath=false; break; } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_DOUBLE_SLASH: { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoDoubleForwardSlash, fMemoryManager); } case XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_SLASH: { if (i == 0) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoForwardSlashAtStart, fMemoryManager); } // keep on truckin' if (firstTokenOfLocationPath) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoSelectionOfRoot, fMemoryManager); } if (i == tokenCount - 1) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_ExpectedStep3, fMemoryManager); } firstTokenOfLocationPath=false; break; } default: firstTokenOfLocationPath=false; } } int stepsSize = stepsVector->size(); if (stepsSize == 0) { if (!fLocationPaths || fLocationPaths->size() == 0) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_EmptyExpr, fMemoryManager); } else { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_NoUnionAtEnd, fMemoryManager); } } fLocationPaths->addElement(new (fMemoryManager) XercesLocationPath(stepsVector)); janSteps.orphan(); } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(XercesXPath) void XercesXPath::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { if (serEng.isStoring()) { serEng<* fLocationPaths; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fLocationPaths, serEng); } else { serEng>>fEmptyNamespaceId; serEng.readString(fExpression); /*** * Deserialize RefVectorOf* fLocationPaths; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fLocationPaths, 8, true, serEng); } } XercesXPath::XercesXPath(MemoryManager* const manager) :fEmptyNamespaceId(0) ,fExpression(0) ,fLocationPaths(0) ,fMemoryManager(manager) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathScanner: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPathScanner::XPathScanner(XMLStringPool* const stringPool) : fAndSymbol (0) , fOrSymbol(0) , fModSymbol(0) , fDivSymbol(0) , fCommentSymbol(0) , fTextSymbol(0) , fPISymbol(0) , fNodeSymbol(0) , fAncestorSymbol(0) , fAncestorOrSelfSymbol(0) , fAttributeSymbol(0) , fChildSymbol(0) , fDescendantSymbol(0) , fDescendantOrSelfSymbol(0) , fFollowingSymbol(0) , fFollowingSiblingSymbol(0) , fNamespaceSymbol(0) , fParentSymbol(0) , fPrecedingSymbol(0) , fPrecedingSiblingSymbol(0) , fSelfSymbol(0) , fStringPool(stringPool) { init(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathScanner: Helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XPathScanner::init() { fAndSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_AND); fOrSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_OR); fModSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_MOD); fDivSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_DIV); fCommentSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_COMMENT); fTextSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_TEXT); fPISymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_PI); fNodeSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_NODE); fAncestorSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_ANCESTOR); fAncestorOrSelfSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_ANCESTOR_OR_SELF); fAttributeSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_ATTRIBUTE); fChildSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_CHILD); fDescendantSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_DESCENDANT); fDescendantOrSelfSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); fFollowingSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_FOLLOWING); fFollowingSiblingSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_FOLLOWING_SIBLING); fNamespaceSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_NAMESPACE); fParentSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_PARENT); fPrecedingSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_PRECEDING); fPrecedingSiblingSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_PRECEDING_SIBLING); fSelfSymbol = fStringPool->addOrFind(XPathSymbols::fgSYMBOL_SELF); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathScanner: Scan methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XPathScanner::scanExpression(const XMLCh* const data, int currentOffset, const int endOffset, ValueVectorOf* const tokens) { bool starIsMultiplyOperator = false; int nameOffset = -1; int nameHandle = -1; int prefixHandle = -1; XMLCh ch; XMLBuffer dataBuffer(128, tokens->getMemoryManager()); while (true) { if (currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; while (XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(ch)) { if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; } if (currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } // // [28] ExprToken ::= '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '.' | '..' | '@' | ',' | '::' // | NameTest | NodeType | Operator | FunctionName // | AxisName | Literal | Number | VariableReference // XMLByte chartype = (ch >= 0x80) ? CHARTYPE_NONASCII : fASCIICharMap[ch]; switch (chartype) { case CHARTYPE_OPEN_PAREN: // '(' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPEN_PAREN); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_CLOSE_PAREN: // ')' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_OPEN_BRACKET: // '[' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_CLOSE_BRACKET: // ']' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_CLOSE_BRACKET); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; ++currentOffset; break; // // [30] Number ::= Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits // ^^^^^^^^^^ // case CHARTYPE_PERIOD: // '.', '..' or '.' Digits if (currentOffset + 1 == endOffset) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset++; break; } ch = data[currentOffset + 1]; if (ch == chPeriod) { // '..' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_DOUBLE_PERIOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset += 2; } else if (ch >= chDigit_0 && ch <= chDigit_9) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NUMBER); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset = scanNumber(data, endOffset, currentOffset, tokens); } else if (ch == chForwardSlash) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset++; } else if (ch == chPipe) { // '|' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset++; } else if (XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(ch)) { do { if (++currentOffset == endOffset) break; ch = data[currentOffset]; } while (XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(ch)); if (currentOffset == endOffset || ch == chPipe) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; break; } } else { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_InvalidChar, tokens->getMemoryManager()); } break; case CHARTYPE_ATSIGN: // '@' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_ATSIGN); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_COMMA: // ',' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_COMMA); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_COLON: // '::' if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch != chColon) { return false; // REVISIT } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_SLASH: // '/' and '//' if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_SLASH); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch == chForwardSlash) { // '//' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_DOUBLE_SLASH); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_SLASH); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } break; case CHARTYPE_UNION: // '|' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_UNION); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_PLUS: // '+' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_PLUS); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_MINUS: // '-' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_MINUS); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_EQUAL: // '=' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_EQUAL); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_EXCLAMATION: // '!=' if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch != chEqual) { return false; // REVISIT } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; case CHARTYPE_LESS: // '<' and '<=' if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch == chEqual) { // '<=' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } break; case CHARTYPE_GREATER: // '>' and '>=' if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch == chEqual) { // '>=' addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } break; // // [29] Literal ::= '"' [^"]* '"' | "'" [^']* "'" // case CHARTYPE_QUOTE: // '\"' or '\'' { XMLCh qchar = ch; if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } ch = data[currentOffset]; int litOffset = currentOffset; while (ch != qchar) { if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } ch = data[currentOffset]; } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_LITERAL); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; dataBuffer.set(data + litOffset, currentOffset - litOffset); tokens->addElement(fStringPool->addOrFind(dataBuffer.getRawBuffer())); ++currentOffset; break; } // // [30] Number ::= Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits // [31] Digits ::= [0-9]+ // case CHARTYPE_DIGIT: addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NUMBER); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; currentOffset = scanNumber(data, endOffset, currentOffset, tokens); break; // // [36] VariableReference ::= '$' QName // case CHARTYPE_DOLLAR: if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } nameOffset = currentOffset; currentOffset = scanNCName(data, endOffset, currentOffset); if (currentOffset == nameOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } if (currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; } else { ch = 0; } dataBuffer.set(data + nameOffset, currentOffset - nameOffset); nameHandle = fStringPool->addOrFind(dataBuffer.getRawBuffer()); prefixHandle = -1; if (ch == chColon) { prefixHandle = nameHandle; if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } nameOffset = currentOffset; currentOffset = scanNCName(data, endOffset, currentOffset); if (currentOffset == nameOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } dataBuffer.set(data + nameOffset, currentOffset - nameOffset); nameHandle = fStringPool->addOrFind(dataBuffer.getRawBuffer()); } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_VARIABLE_REFERENCE); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; tokens->addElement(prefixHandle); tokens->addElement(nameHandle); break; // // [37] NameTest ::= '*' | NCName ':' '*' | QName // [34] MultiplyOperator ::= '*' // case CHARTYPE_STAR: // '*' // // 3.7 Lexical Structure // // If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, ::, (, [, , or // an Operator, then a * must be recognized as a MultiplyOperator. // // Otherwise, the token must not be recognized as a MultiplyOperator. // if (starIsMultiplyOperator) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_MULT); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_ANY); starIsMultiplyOperator = true; } ++currentOffset; break; // // NCName, QName and non-terminals // case CHARTYPE_NONASCII: // possibly a valid non-ascii 'Letter' (BaseChar | Ideographic) case CHARTYPE_LETTER: case CHARTYPE_UNDERSCORE: // // 3.7 Lexical Structure // // If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, ::, (, [, , or // an Operator, then an NCName must be recognized as an OperatorName. // // If the character following an NCName (possibly after intervening ExprWhitespace) is (, // then the token must be recognized as a NodeType or a FunctionName. // // If the two characters following an NCName (possibly after intervening ExprWhitespace) // are ::, then the token must be recognized as an AxisName. // // Otherwise, the token must not be recognized as an OperatorName, a NodeType, a // FunctionName, or an AxisName. // // [33] OperatorName ::= 'and' | 'or' | 'mod' | 'div' // [38] NodeType ::= 'comment' | 'text' | 'processing-instruction' | 'node' // [35] FunctionName ::= QName - NodeType // [6] AxisName ::= (see above) // // [37] NameTest ::= '*' | NCName ':' '*' | QName // [5] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* // [?] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' (ascii subset of 'NCNameChar') // [?] QName ::= (NCName ':')? NCName // [?] Letter ::= [A-Za-z] (ascii subset of 'Letter') // [?] Digit ::= [0-9] (ascii subset of 'Digit') // nameOffset = currentOffset; currentOffset = scanNCName(data, endOffset, currentOffset); if (currentOffset == nameOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } if (currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; } else { ch = 0; } dataBuffer.set(data + nameOffset, currentOffset - nameOffset); nameHandle = fStringPool->addOrFind(dataBuffer.getRawBuffer()); bool isNameTestNCName = false; bool isAxisName = false; prefixHandle = -1; if (ch == chColon) { if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } ch = data[currentOffset]; if (ch == chAsterisk) { if (++currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; } isNameTestNCName = true; } else if (ch == chColon) { if (++currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; } isAxisName = true; } else { prefixHandle = nameHandle; nameOffset = currentOffset; currentOffset = scanNCName(data, endOffset, currentOffset); if (currentOffset == nameOffset) { return false; // REVISIT } if (currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; } else { ch = 0; } dataBuffer.set(data + nameOffset, currentOffset - nameOffset); nameHandle = fStringPool->addOrFind(dataBuffer.getRawBuffer()); } } // // [39] ExprWhitespace ::= S // while (XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(ch)) { if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; } // // If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, ::, (, [, , or // an Operator, then an NCName must be recognized as an OperatorName. // if (starIsMultiplyOperator) { if (nameHandle == fAndSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_AND); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } else if (nameHandle == fOrSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_OR); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } else if (nameHandle == fModSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_MOD); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } else if (nameHandle == fDivSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_DIV); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; } else { return false; // REVISIT } if (isNameTestNCName) { return false; // REVISIT - NCName:* where an OperatorName is required } else if (isAxisName) { return false; // REVISIT - AxisName:: where an OperatorName is required } break; } // // If the character following an NCName (possibly after intervening ExprWhitespace) is (, // then the token must be recognized as a NodeType or a FunctionName. // if (ch == chOpenParen && !isNameTestNCName && !isAxisName) { if (nameHandle == fCommentSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NODETYPE_COMMENT); } else if (nameHandle == fTextSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NODETYPE_TEXT); } else if (nameHandle == fPISymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NODETYPE_PI); } else if (nameHandle == fNodeSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NODETYPE_NODE); } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_FUNCTION_NAME); tokens->addElement(prefixHandle); tokens->addElement(nameHandle); } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPEN_PAREN); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; ++currentOffset; break; } // // If the two characters following an NCName (possibly after intervening ExprWhitespace) // are ::, then the token must be recognized as an AxisName. // if (isAxisName || (ch == chColon && currentOffset + 1 < endOffset && data[currentOffset + 1] == chColon)) { if (nameHandle == fAncestorSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_ANCESTOR); } else if (nameHandle == fAncestorOrSelfSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_ANCESTOR_OR_SELF); } else if (nameHandle == fAttributeSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_ATTRIBUTE); } else if (nameHandle == fChildSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_CHILD); } else if (nameHandle == fDescendantSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_DESCENDANT); } else if (nameHandle == fDescendantOrSelfSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); } else if (nameHandle == fFollowingSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_FOLLOWING); } else if (nameHandle == fFollowingSiblingSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_FOLLOWING_SIBLING); } else if (nameHandle == fNamespaceSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_NAMESPACE); } else if (nameHandle == fParentSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_PARENT); } else if (nameHandle == fPrecedingSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_PRECEDING); } else if (nameHandle == fPrecedingSiblingSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_PRECEDING_SIBLING); } else if (nameHandle == fSelfSymbol) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_SELF); } else { return false; // REVISIT } if (isNameTestNCName) { return false; // REVISIT - "NCName:* ::" where "AxisName ::" is required } addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON); starIsMultiplyOperator = false; if (!isAxisName) { currentOffset += 2; } break; } // // Otherwise, the token must not be recognized as an OperatorName, a NodeType, a // FunctionName, or an AxisName. // if (isNameTestNCName) { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_NAMESPACE); tokens->addElement(nameHandle); } else { addToken(tokens, XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_QNAME); tokens->addElement(prefixHandle); tokens->addElement(nameHandle); } starIsMultiplyOperator = true; break; } } return true; } int XPathScanner::scanNCName(const XMLCh* const data, const int endOffset, int currentOffset) { XMLCh ch = data[currentOffset]; if (!XMLChar1_0::isFirstNCNameChar(ch)) { return currentOffset; } while (++currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; if (!XMLChar1_0::isNCNameChar(ch)) { break; } } return currentOffset; } int XPathScanner::scanNumber(const XMLCh* const data, const int endOffset, int currentOffset, ValueVectorOf* const tokens) { XMLCh ch = data[currentOffset]; int whole = 0; int part = 0; while (ch >= chDigit_0 && ch <= chDigit_9) { whole = (whole * 10) + (ch - chDigit_0); if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; } if (ch == chPeriod) { if (++currentOffset < endOffset) { ch = data[currentOffset]; while (ch >= chDigit_0 && ch <= chDigit_9) { part = (part * 10) + (ch - chDigit_0); if (++currentOffset == endOffset) { break; } ch = data[currentOffset]; } if (part != 0) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::XPath_FindSolution, tokens->getMemoryManager()); } } } tokens->addElement(whole); tokens->addElement(part); return currentOffset; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathScannerForSchema: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPathScannerForSchema::XPathScannerForSchema(XMLStringPool* const stringPool) : XPathScanner(stringPool) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathScannerForSchema: Helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XPathScannerForSchema::addToken(ValueVectorOf* const tokens, const int aToken) { if (aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_ATSIGN || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_ATTRIBUTE || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_CHILD || //token == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_AXISNAME_SELF || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_QNAME || //token == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NODETYPE_NODE || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_SLASH || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_PERIOD || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_ANY || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_NAMETEST_NAMESPACE || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_DOUBLE_SLASH || aToken == XercesXPath::EXPRTOKEN_OPERATOR_UNION) { tokens->addElement(aToken); return; } ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XPathException, XMLExcepts::XPath_TokenNotSupported, tokens->getMemoryManager()); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END /** * End of file XercesPath.cpp */