/* * Copyright 1999-2000,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Log$ * Revision 1.9 2004/09/08 13:57:05 peiyongz * Apache License Version 2.0 * * Revision 1.8 2002/11/05 21:47:36 tng * Explicit code using namespace in application. * * Revision 1.7 2002/02/01 22:45:54 peiyongz * sane_include * * Revision 1.6 2000/03/02 19:55:46 roddey * This checkin includes many changes done while waiting for the * 1.1.0 code to be finished. I can't list them all here, but a list is * available elsewhere. * * Revision 1.5 2000/02/06 07:48:37 rahulj * Year 2K copyright swat. * * Revision 1.4 2000/01/24 20:38:56 roddey * Fixed some small bugs introduced in the recent move away from the util/* streams. * * Revision 1.3 2000/01/21 23:58:06 roddey * Initial move away from util streams was bad. Wide char APIs didn't allow enough * control to do canonical output, so changed to use std short char APIs. * * Revision 1.1 1999/11/09 01:02:23 twl * Initial revision * * Revision 1.3 1999/11/08 20:42:25 rahul * Swat for adding in Product name and CVS comment log variable. * */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE class TestParser : public XMLDocumentHandler, public XMLErrorReporter, public DocTypeHandler { public : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors and Destructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TestParser(); ~TestParser(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setter methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void setDoNamespaces(const bool state); void setScanner(XMLScanner* const state); void setOutputType(const OutputTypes outType); void setShowErrLoc(const bool state); void setShowIntDTD(const bool state); void setShowWarnings(const bool state); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The XMLDocumentHandler interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void docCharacters ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection ); virtual void docComment ( const XMLCh* const comment ); virtual void docPI ( const XMLCh* const target , const XMLCh* const data ); virtual void endDocument(); virtual void endElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int uriId , const bool isRoot ); virtual void endEntityReference ( const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl ); virtual void ignorableWhitespace ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection ); virtual void resetDocument(); virtual void startDocument(); virtual void startElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int elemURIId , const XMLCh* const elemPrefix , const RefVectorOf& attrList , const unsigned int attrCount , const bool isEmpty , const bool isRoot ); virtual void startEntityReference ( const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl ); virtual void XMLDecl ( const XMLCh* const versionStr , const XMLCh* const encodingStr , const XMLCh* const standaloneStr , const XMLCh* const autoEncStr ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the XMLErrorReporter interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void error ( const unsigned int errCode , const XMLCh* const msgDomain , const XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes type , const XMLCh* const text , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const publicId , const unsigned int lineNum , const unsigned int colNum ); virtual void resetErrors(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The document type handler virtual handler interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void attDef ( const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl , const DTDAttDef& attDef , const bool ignoring ); virtual void doctypeComment ( const XMLCh* const comment ); virtual void doctypeDecl ( const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId , const bool hasIntSubset ); virtual void doctypePI ( const XMLCh* const target , const XMLCh* const data ); virtual void doctypeWhitespace ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length ); virtual void elementDecl ( const DTDElementDecl& decl , const bool isIgnored ); virtual void endAttList ( const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl ); virtual void endIntSubset(); virtual void endExtSubset(); virtual void entityDecl ( const DTDEntityDecl& entityDecl , const bool isPEDecl , const bool isIgnored ); virtual void resetDocType(); virtual void notationDecl ( const XMLNotationDecl& notDecl , const bool isIgnored ); virtual void startAttList ( const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl ); virtual void startIntSubset(); virtual void startExtSubset(); virtual void TextDecl ( const XMLCh* const versionStr , const XMLCh* const encodingStr ); private : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TestParser(const TestParser&); void operator=(const TestParser&); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void showChar(const char toShow, const bool doCan); void showChars ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length ); void showIds(const XMLCh* const publicId, const XMLCh* const systemId); void showString(const XMLCh* const toShow); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data members // // fDoNamespaces // Indicates whether the user wanted us to be namespace aware or // not. // // fInsideRoot // This is set once the first start element event is seen, and cleared // when the root element ends. Its used to support the canonical // format used by the Bosak tests. Basically it allows us to supress // the whitespace outside the internal subset but before the root // element. // // fInExtSubSet // Indicates when we are in the external subset, so that we don't // display that part. // // fIntDTDOutput // Indicates whether the data from the internal DTD subset is // output or not (only used if fXMLOutput is true.) // // fNestingLevel // This is used to handle tabbing over nested elements. Each start // element bumps it up, and each end element bumps it down. // // fOutputType // This flag controls the primary style of output used. It can // be set to do James Clark type canonical output, Sun style // canonical output, debug output, regular XML output, or none. // // fScanner // The scanner we created to do the scanning. // // fShowErrLoc // This flag turns on the special display mode that is used for // negative test testing. It puts out a special, condensed display // of error info that can be compared in subsequent runs to check // for changes. If its turned on, it forces the output type to // 'none'. // // fShowWarnings // Indicates whether warning messages should be displayed or not. // // fSurrogate // Indicates that we got a surrogate char, so we have to wait for // the next char before we can output it. Its zero when not. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool fDoNamespaces; bool fInExtSubset; bool fInsideRoot; bool fIntDTDOutput; unsigned int fNestingLevel; OutputTypes fOutputType; XMLScanner* fScanner; bool fShowErrLoc; bool fShowWarnings; XMLCh fSurrogate; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestParser: Setter Methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void TestParser::setDoNamespaces(const bool state) { fDoNamespaces = state; } inline void TestParser::setScanner(XMLScanner* const ourScanner) { fScanner = ourScanner; } inline void TestParser::setOutputType(const OutputTypes outType) { fOutputType = outType; } inline void TestParser::setShowIntDTD(const bool state) { fIntDTDOutput = state; } inline void TestParser::setShowWarnings(const bool state) { fShowWarnings = state; } inline void TestParser::setShowErrLoc(const bool state) { fShowErrLoc = state; }