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API Docs for SAX and DOM


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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
00003  * 
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  * 
00008  *
00009  * 
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 /*
00018  * $Log$
00019  * Revision 1.34  2005/04/05 17:00:45  cargilld
00020  * Implement version of lowercase that only check a to z, instead of all characters, and don't rely on functionality provided in the transcoders.
00021  *
00022  * Revision 1.33  2005/03/20 19:02:45  cargilld
00023  * Implement versions of uppercase and compareIstring that only check a to z, instead of all characters, and don't rely on functionality provided in the transcoders.
00024  *
00025  * Revision 1.32  2005/03/08 09:04:09  amassari
00026  * Improve performances of XMLString::tokenizeString (jira# 1363) - patch by Christian Will
00027  *
00028  * Revision 1.31  2004/12/21 16:02:51  cargilld
00029  * Attempt to fix various apidoc problems.
00030  *
00031  * Revision 1.30  2004/12/14 02:09:20  cargilld
00032  * Performance update from Christian Will.
00033  *
00034  * Revision 1.29  2004/12/06 10:47:01  amassari
00035  * Added XMLString::release(void**, MemoryManager*) [jira# 1301]
00036  *
00037  * Revision 1.28  2004/09/08 13:56:24  peiyongz
00038  * Apache License Version 2.0
00039  *
00040  * Revision 1.27  2004/09/02 19:08:09  cargilld
00041  * Fix API Doc warning message
00042  *
00043  * Revision 1.26  2004/08/11 16:07:27  peiyongz
00044  * isValidNOTATION
00045  *
00046  * Revision 1.25  2004/05/25 18:11:32  peiyongz
00047  * removeChar() added
00048  *
00049  * Revision 1.24  2004/03/10 17:35:17  amassari
00050  * Fix documentation for binToText (bug# 9207)
00051  *
00052  * Revision 1.23  2003/12/24 15:24:13  cargilld
00053  * More updates to memory management so that the static memory manager.
00054  *
00055  * Revision 1.22  2003/12/17 20:00:49  cargilld
00056  * Update for memory management so that the static memory manager (one
00057  * used to call Initialize) is only for static data.
00058  *
00059  * Revision 1.21  2003/12/17 00:18:35  cargilld
00060  * Update to memory management so that the static memory manager (one used to call Initialize) is only for static data.
00061  *
00062  * Revision 1.20  2003/10/02 11:07:26  gareth
00063  * Made the non-memory manager version of replicate not inlined. Updated the documentation for the memory manager versions so they don't tell you you should call release.
00064  *
00065  * Revision 1.19  2003/10/01 00:22:20  knoaman
00066  * Add a lastIndexOf method that takes the string length as one of the params.
00067  *
00068  * Revision 1.18  2003/08/25 20:39:47  neilg
00069  * fix XMLString::findAny(...) docs so that they match what the method actually does (and has done since time immemorial)
00070  *
00071  * Revision 1.17  2003/05/18 14:02:05  knoaman
00072  * Memory manager implementation: pass per instance manager.
00073  *
00074  * Revision 1.16  2003/05/15 19:07:46  knoaman
00075  * Partial implementation of the configurable memory manager.
00076  *
00077  * Revision 1.15  2003/04/21 20:07:05  knoaman
00078  * Performance: use memcpy in moveChars and replicate.
00079  *
00080  * Revision 1.14  2003/02/25 16:42:31  tng
00081  * [Bug 7072] Documentation for XMLString::transcode states invalid return value.
00082  *
00083  * Revision 1.13  2003/02/05 18:50:56  tng
00084  * [Bug 11915] Utility for freeing memory.
00085  *
00086  * Revision 1.12  2003/01/24 23:16:33  peiyongz
00087  * removeWS() added;
00088  *
00089  * Revision 1.11  2002/12/20 22:10:21  tng
00090  * XML 1.1
00091  *
00092  * Revision 1.10  2002/12/18 14:17:54  gareth
00093  * Fix to bug #13438. When you eant a vector that calls delete[] on its members you should use RefArrayVectorOf.
00094  *
00095  * Revision 1.9  2002/12/04 02:32:43  knoaman
00096  * #include cleanup.
00097  *
00098  * Revision 1.8  2002/11/05 17:42:39  peiyongz
00099  * equals( const char* const, const char* const)
00100  *
00101  * Revision 1.7  2002/11/04 15:22:05  tng
00102  * C++ Namespace Support.
00103  *
00104  * Revision 1.6  2002/10/01 19:45:22  tng
00105  * Performance in XMLString::equals, only need to check one string for null as they are equal already.
00106  *
00107  * Revision 1.5  2002/09/24 19:41:21  tng
00108  * New inline function equals that is modified from compareString but simply return true or false.
00109  *
00110  * Revision 1.4  2002/09/23 18:42:18  tng
00111  * DOM L3: Support baseURI.   Add utility fixURI to transform an absolute path filename to standard URI form.
00112  *
00113  * Revision 1.3  2002/08/27 19:24:43  peiyongz
00114  * Bug#12087: patch from Thomas Ford (
00115  *
00116  * Revision 1.2  2002/02/20 18:17:02  tng
00117  * [Bug 5977] Warnings on generating apiDocs.
00118  *
00119  * Revision  2002/02/01 22:22:16  peiyongz
00120  * sane_include
00121  *
00122  * Revision 1.26  2001/08/10 16:23:06  peiyongz
00123  * isHex(), isAlphaNum(), isAllWhiteSpace() and patternMatch() Added
00124  *
00125  * Revision 1.25  2001/07/06 20:27:57  peiyongz
00126  * isValidaQName()
00127  *
00128  * Revision 1.24  2001/07/04 14:38:20  peiyongz
00129  * IDDatatypeValidator: created
00130  * DatatypeValidatorFactory: IDDTV enabled
00131  * XMLString:isValidName(): to validate Name (XML [4][5])
00132  *
00133  * Revision 1.23  2001/06/13 14:07:55  peiyongz
00134  * isValidaEncName() to validate an encoding name (EncName)
00135  *
00136  * Revision 1.22  2001/05/23 15:44:51  tng
00137  * Schema: NormalizedString fix.  By Pei Yong Zhang.
00138  *
00139  * Revision 1.21  2001/05/11 13:26:31  tng
00140  * Copyright update.
00141  *
00142  * Revision 1.20  2001/05/09 18:43:30  tng
00143  * Add StringDatatypeValidator and BooleanDatatypeValidator.  By Pei Yong Zhang.
00144  *
00145  * Revision 1.19  2001/05/03 20:34:35  tng
00146  * Schema: SchemaValidator update
00147  *
00148  * Revision 1.18  2001/05/03 19:17:35  knoaman
00149  * TraverseSchema Part II.
00150  *
00151  * Revision 1.17  2001/03/21 21:56:13  tng
00152  * Schema: Add Schema Grammar, Schema Validator, and split the DTDValidator into DTDValidator, DTDScanner, and DTDGrammar.
00153  *
00154  * Revision 1.16  2001/03/02 20:52:46  knoaman
00155  * Schema: Regular expression - misc. updates for error messages,
00156  * and additions of new functions to XMLString class.
00157  *
00158  * Revision 1.15  2001/01/15 21:26:34  tng
00159  * Performance Patches by David Bertoni.
00160  *
00161  * Details: (see xerces-c-dev mailing Jan 14)
00162  * XMLRecognizer.cpp: the internal encoding string XMLUni::fgXMLChEncodingString
00163  * was going through this function numerous times.  As a result, the top hot-spot
00164  * for the parse was _wcsicmp().  The real problem is that the Microsofts wide string
00165  * functions are unbelievably slow.  For things like encodings, it might be
00166  * better to use a special comparison function that only considers a-z and
00167  * A-Z as characters with case.  This works since the character set for
00168  * encodings is limit to printable ASCII characters.
00169  *
00170  *  XMLScanner2.cpp: This also has some case-sensitive vs. insensitive compares.
00171  * They are also much faster.  The other tweak is to only make a copy of an attribute
00172  * string if it needs to be split.  And then, the strategy is to try to use a
00173  * stack-based buffer, rather than a dynamically-allocated one.
00174  *
00175  * SAX2XMLReaderImpl.cpp: Again, more case-sensitive vs. insensitive comparisons.
00176  *
00177  * KVStringPair.cpp & hpp: By storing the size of the allocation, the storage can
00178  * likely be re-used many times, cutting down on dynamic memory allocations.
00179  *
00180  * XMLString.hpp: a more efficient implementation of stringLen().
00181  *
00182  * DTDValidator.cpp: another case of using a stack-based buffer when possible
00183  *
00184  * These patches made a big difference in parse time in some of our test
00185  * files, especially the ones are very attribute-heavy.
00186  *
00187  * Revision 1.14  2000/10/13 22:47:57  andyh
00188  * Fix bug (failure to null-terminate result) in XMLString::trim().
00189  * Patch contributed by Nadav Aharoni
00190  *
00191  * Revision 1.13  2000/04/12 18:42:15  roddey
00192  * Improved docs in terms of what 'max chars' means in the method
00193  * parameters.
00194  *
00195  * Revision 1.12  2000/04/06 19:42:51  rahulj
00196  * Clarified how big the target buffer should be in the API
00197  * documentation.
00198  *
00199  * Revision 1.11  2000/03/23 01:02:38  roddey
00200  * Updates to the XMLURL class to correct a lot of parsing problems
00201  * and to add support for the port number. Updated the URL tests
00202  * to test some of this new stuff.
00203  *
00204  * Revision 1.10  2000/03/20 23:00:46  rahulj
00205  * Moved the inline definition of stringLen before the first
00206  * use. This satisfied the HP CC compiler.
00207  *
00208  * Revision 1.9  2000/03/02 19:54:49  roddey
00209  * This checkin includes many changes done while waiting for the
00210  * 1.1.0 code to be finished. I can't list them all here, but a list is
00211  * available elsewhere.
00212  *
00213  * Revision 1.8  2000/02/24 20:05:26  abagchi
00214  * Swat for removing Log from API docs
00215  *
00216  * Revision 1.7  2000/02/16 18:51:52  roddey
00217  * Fixed some facts in the docs and reformatted the docs to stay within
00218  * a reasonable line width.
00219  *
00220  * Revision 1.6  2000/02/16 17:07:07  abagchi
00221  * Added API docs
00222  *
00223  * Revision 1.5  2000/02/06 07:48:06  rahulj
00224  * Year 2K copyright swat.
00225  *
00226  * Revision 1.4  2000/01/12 00:16:23  roddey
00227  * Changes to deal with multiply nested, relative pathed, entities and to deal
00228  * with the new URL class changes.
00229  *
00230  * Revision 1.3  1999/12/18 00:18:10  roddey
00231  * More changes to support the new, completely orthagonal support for
00232  * intrinsic encodings.
00233  *
00234  * Revision 1.2  1999/12/15 19:41:28  roddey
00235  * Support for the new transcoder system, where even intrinsic encodings are
00236  * done via the same transcoder abstraction as external ones.
00237  *
00238  * Revision  1999/11/09 01:05:52  twl
00239  * Initial checkin
00240  *
00241  * Revision 1.2  1999/11/08 20:45:21  rahul
00242  * Swat for adding in Product name and CVS comment log variable.
00243  *
00244  */
00246 #if !defined(XMLSTRING_HPP)
00247 #define XMLSTRING_HPP
00249 #include <xercesc/util/BaseRefVectorOf.hpp>
00250 #include <xercesc/framework/XMLBuffer.hpp>
00251 #include <xercesc/framework/MemoryManager.hpp>
00252 #include <string.h>
00253 #include <assert.h>
00257 class XMLLCPTranscoder;
00269 class  XMLString
00270 {
00271 public:
00272     /* Static methods for native character mode string manipulation */
00291     static void catString
00292     (
00293                 char* const     target
00294         , const char* const     src
00295     );
00309     static void catString
00310     (
00311                 XMLCh* const    target
00312         , const XMLCh* const    src
00313     );
00329     static int compareIString
00330     (
00331         const   char* const     str1
00332         , const char* const     str2
00333     );
00345     static int compareIString
00346     (
00347         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00348         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00349     );
00362     static int compareIStringASCII
00363     (
00364         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00365         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00366     );
00383     static int compareNString
00384     (
00385         const   char* const     str1
00386         , const char* const     str2
00387         , const unsigned int    count
00388     );
00403     static int compareNString
00404     (
00405         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00406         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00407         , const unsigned int    count
00408     );
00424     static int compareNIString
00425     (
00426         const   char* const     str1
00427         , const char* const     str2
00428         , const unsigned int    count
00429     );
00445     static int compareNIString
00446     (
00447         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00448         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00449         , const unsigned int    count
00450     );
00464     static int compareString
00465     (
00466         const   char* const     str1
00467         , const char* const     str2
00468     );
00481     static int compareString
00482     (
00483         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00484         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00485     );
00495     static bool equals
00496     (
00497           const XMLCh* const    str1
00498         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00499     );
00501     static bool equals
00502     (
00503           const char* const    str1
00504         , const char* const    str2
00505     );
00533     static bool regionMatches
00534     (
00535         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00536         , const int             offset1
00537         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00538         , const int             offset2
00539         , const unsigned int    charCount
00540     );
00569     static bool regionIMatches
00570     (
00571         const   XMLCh* const    str1
00572         , const int             offset1
00573         , const XMLCh* const    str2
00574         , const int             offset2
00575         , const unsigned int    charCount
00576     );
00591     static void copyString
00592     (
00593                 char* const     target
00594         , const char* const     src
00595     );
00607     static void copyString
00608     (
00609                 XMLCh* const    target
00610         , const XMLCh* const    src
00611     );
00625     static bool copyNString
00626     (
00627                 XMLCh* const    target
00628         , const XMLCh* const    src
00629         , const unsigned int    maxChars
00630     );
00642     static unsigned int hash
00643     (
00644         const   char* const     toHash
00645         , const unsigned int    hashModulus
00646         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00647     );
00656     static unsigned int hash
00657     (
00658         const   XMLCh* const    toHash
00659         , const unsigned int    hashModulus
00660         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00661     );
00672     static unsigned int hashN
00673     (
00674         const   XMLCh* const    toHash
00675         , const unsigned int    numChars
00676         , const unsigned int    hashModulus
00677         , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00678     );
00692     static int indexOf(const char* const toSearch, const char ch);
00702     static int indexOf(const XMLCh* const toSearch, const XMLCh ch);
00715     static int indexOf
00716     (
00717         const   char* const     toSearch
00718         , const char            chToFind
00719         , const unsigned int    fromIndex
00720         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00721     );
00734     static int indexOf
00735     (
00736         const   XMLCh* const    toSearch
00737         , const XMLCh           chToFind
00738         , const unsigned int    fromIndex
00739         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00740     );
00750     static int lastIndexOf(const char* const toSearch, const char ch);
00760     static int lastIndexOf(const XMLCh* const toSearch, const XMLCh ch);
00771     static int lastIndexOf
00772     (
00773         const XMLCh ch
00774         , const XMLCh* const toSearch
00775         , const unsigned int toSearchLen
00776     );
00789     static int lastIndexOf
00790     (
00791         const   char* const     toSearch
00792         , const char            chToFind
00793         , const unsigned int    fromIndex
00794         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00795     );
00808     static int lastIndexOf
00809     (
00810         const   XMLCh* const    toSearch
00811         , const XMLCh           ch
00812         , const unsigned int    fromIndex
00813         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00814     );
00824     static void moveChars
00825     (
00826                 XMLCh* const    targetStr
00827         , const XMLCh* const    srcStr
00828         , const unsigned int    count
00829     );
00844     static void subString
00845     (
00846                 char* const    targetStr
00847         , const char* const    srcStr
00848         , const int            startIndex
00849         , const int            endIndex
00850         , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00851     );
00862     static void subString
00863     (
00864                 XMLCh* const    targetStr
00865         , const XMLCh* const    srcStr
00866         , const int             startIndex
00867         , const int             endIndex
00868         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00869     );
00881     static void subString
00882     (
00883                 XMLCh* const    targetStr
00884         , const XMLCh* const    srcStr
00885         , const int             startIndex
00886         , const int             endIndex
00887         , const int             srcStrLength
00888         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
00889     );
00904     static char* replicate(const char* const toRep);
00914     static char* replicate(const char* const toRep,
00915                            MemoryManager* const manager);
00926     static XMLCh* replicate(const XMLCh* const toRep);
00936     static XMLCh* replicate(const XMLCh* const toRep,
00937                             MemoryManager* const manager);
00949     static bool startsWith
00950     (
00951         const   char* const     toTest
00952         , const char* const     prefix
00953     );
00961     static bool startsWith
00962     (
00963         const   XMLCh* const    toTest
00964         , const XMLCh* const    prefix
00965     );
00975     static bool startsWithI
00976     (
00977         const   char* const     toTest
00978         , const char* const     prefix
00979     );
00990     static bool startsWithI
00991     (
00992         const   XMLCh* const    toTest
00993         , const XMLCh* const    prefix
00994     );
01002     static bool endsWith
01003     (
01004         const   XMLCh* const    toTest
01005         , const XMLCh* const    suffix
01006     );
01017     static const XMLCh* findAny
01018     (
01019         const   XMLCh* const    toSearch
01020         , const XMLCh* const    searchList
01021     );
01031     static XMLCh* findAny
01032     (
01033                 XMLCh* const    toSearch
01034         , const XMLCh* const    searchList
01035     );
01043     static int patternMatch
01044     (
01045           const XMLCh* const    toSearch
01046         , const XMLCh* const    pattern
01047     );
01053     static unsigned int stringLen(const char* const src);
01059     static unsigned int stringLen(const XMLCh* const src);
01068     static bool isValidNOTATION(const XMLCh*         const name
01069                               ,       MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
01078     static bool isValidNCName(const XMLCh* const name);
01087     static bool isValidName(const XMLCh* const name);
01094     static bool isValidEncName(const XMLCh* const name);
01103     static bool isValidQName(const XMLCh* const name);
01111     static bool isAlpha(XMLCh const theChar);
01118     static bool isDigit(XMLCh const theChar);
01125     static bool isAlphaNum(XMLCh const theChar);
01132     static bool isHex(XMLCh const theChar);
01141     static bool isAllWhiteSpace(const XMLCh* const toCheck);
01148     static bool isInList(const XMLCh* const toFind, const XMLCh* const enumList);
01166     static void binToText
01167     (
01168         const   unsigned int    toFormat
01169         ,       char* const     toFill
01170         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01171         , const unsigned int    radix
01172         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01173     );
01186     static void binToText
01187     (
01188         const   unsigned int    toFormat
01189         ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
01190         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01191         , const unsigned int    radix
01192         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01193     );
01206     static void binToText
01207     (
01208         const   unsigned long   toFormat
01209         ,       char* const     toFill
01210         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01211         , const unsigned int    radix
01212         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01213     );
01226     static void binToText
01227     (
01228         const   unsigned long   toFormat
01229         ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
01230         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01231         , const unsigned int    radix
01232         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01233     );
01246     static void binToText
01247     (
01248         const   long            toFormat
01249         ,       char* const     toFill
01250         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01251         , const unsigned int    radix
01252         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01253     );
01266     static void binToText
01267     (
01268         const   long            toFormat
01269         ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
01270         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01271         , const unsigned int    radix
01272         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01273     );
01286     static void binToText
01287     (
01288         const   int             toFormat
01289         ,       char* const     toFill
01290         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01291         , const unsigned int    radix
01292         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01293     );
01306     static void binToText
01307     (
01308         const   int             toFormat
01309         ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
01310         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01311         , const unsigned int    radix
01312         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01313     );
01326     static bool textToBin
01327     (
01328         const   XMLCh* const    toConvert
01329         ,       unsigned int&   toFill
01330         ,       MemoryManager*  const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01331     );
01346     static int parseInt
01347     (
01348         const   XMLCh* const    toConvert
01349       , MemoryManager* const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01350     );
01357     static void cut
01358     (
01359                 XMLCh* const    toCutFrom
01360         , const unsigned int    count
01361     );
01373     static char* transcode
01374     (
01375         const   XMLCh* const    toTranscode
01376     );
01377     static char* transcode
01378     (
01379         const   XMLCh* const         toTranscode
01380         ,       MemoryManager* const manager
01381     );
01398     static bool transcode
01399     (
01400         const   XMLCh* const    toTranscode
01401         ,       char* const     toFill
01402         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01403         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01404     );
01416     static XMLCh* transcode
01417     (
01418         const   char* const     toTranscode
01419     );
01420     static XMLCh* transcode
01421     (
01422         const   char* const          toTranscode
01423         ,       MemoryManager* const manager
01424     );
01436     static bool transcode
01437     (
01438         const   char* const     toTranscode
01439         ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
01440         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01441         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01442     );
01449     static void trim(char* const toTrim);
01456     static void trim(XMLCh* const toTrim);
01465     static BaseRefVectorOf<XMLCh>* tokenizeString(const XMLCh* const tokenizeSrc
01466                                         , MemoryManager*       const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
01480     static XMLCh* makeUName
01481     (
01482         const   XMLCh* const    pszURI
01483         , const XMLCh* const    pszName      
01484     );
01502     static unsigned int replaceTokens
01503     (
01504                 XMLCh* const    errText
01505         , const unsigned int    maxChars
01506         , const XMLCh* const    text1
01507         , const XMLCh* const    text2
01508         , const XMLCh* const    text3
01509         , const XMLCh* const    text4
01510         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
01511     );
01517     static void upperCase(XMLCh* const toUpperCase);
01524     static void upperCaseASCII(XMLCh* const toUpperCase);
01530     static void lowerCase(XMLCh* const toLowerCase);
01537     static void lowerCaseASCII(XMLCh* const toLowerCase);
01542     static bool isWSReplaced(const XMLCh* const toCheck);
01547     static bool isWSCollapsed(const XMLCh* const toCheck);
01554     static void replaceWS(XMLCh* const toConvert
01555         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
01562     static void collapseWS(XMLCh* const toConvert
01563         , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
01570     static void removeWS(XMLCh* const toConvert
01571     , MemoryManager*       const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
01579     static void removeChar(const XMLCh*     const srcString
01580                          , const XMLCh&           toRemove
01581                          ,       XMLBuffer&       dstBuffer);
01590     static void fixURI(const XMLCh* const str, XMLCh* const target);
01601     static void release(char** buf);
01609     static void release(XMLCh** buf);
01617     static void release(XMLByte** buf);
01627     static void release
01628     (
01629         void**  buf
01630         ,       MemoryManager* const manager
01631     );
01636 private :
01641     XMLString();
01643     ~XMLString();
01650     static void initString(XMLLCPTranscoder* const defToUse,
01651                            MemoryManager* const manager);
01652     static void termString();
01659     static bool validateRegion(const XMLCh* const str1, const int offset1,
01660                         const XMLCh* const str2, const int offset2,
01661                         const unsigned int charCount);
01663     static MemoryManager* fgMemoryManager;
01665     friend class XMLPlatformUtils;
01666 };
01669 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01670 //  Inline some methods that are either just passthroughs to other string
01671 //  methods, or which are key for performance.
01672 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01673 inline void XMLString::moveChars(       XMLCh* const targetStr
01674                                 , const XMLCh* const srcStr
01675                                 , const unsigned int count)
01676 {
01677     memcpy(targetStr, srcStr, count * sizeof(XMLCh));
01678 }
01680 inline unsigned int XMLString::stringLen(const XMLCh* const src)
01681 {
01682     if (src == 0 || *src == 0)
01683     {
01684         return 0;
01685    }
01686     else
01687    {
01688         const XMLCh* pszTmp = src + 1;
01690         while (*pszTmp)
01691             ++pszTmp;
01693         return (unsigned int)(pszTmp - src);
01694     }
01695 }
01697 inline XMLCh* XMLString::replicate(const XMLCh* const toRep,
01698                                    MemoryManager* const manager)
01699 {
01700     // If a null string, return a null string!
01701     XMLCh* ret = 0;
01702     if (toRep)
01703     {
01704         const unsigned int len = stringLen(toRep);
01705         ret = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate((len+1) * sizeof(XMLCh)); //new XMLCh[len + 1];
01706         memcpy(ret, toRep, (len + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh));
01707     }
01708     return ret;
01709 }
01711 inline bool XMLString::startsWith(  const   XMLCh* const    toTest
01712                                     , const XMLCh* const    prefix)
01713 {
01714     return (compareNString(toTest, prefix, stringLen(prefix)) == 0);
01715 }
01717 inline bool XMLString::startsWithI( const   XMLCh* const    toTest
01718                                     , const XMLCh* const    prefix)
01719 {
01720     return (compareNIString(toTest, prefix, stringLen(prefix)) == 0);
01721 }
01723 inline bool XMLString::endsWith(const XMLCh* const toTest,
01724                                 const XMLCh* const suffix)
01725 {
01727     unsigned int suffixLen = XMLString::stringLen(suffix);
01729     return regionMatches(toTest, XMLString::stringLen(toTest) - suffixLen,
01730                          suffix, 0, suffixLen);
01731 }
01733 inline bool XMLString::validateRegion(const XMLCh* const str1,
01734                                       const int offset1,
01735                                       const XMLCh* const str2,
01736                                       const int offset2,
01737                                       const unsigned int charCount)
01738 {
01740     if (offset1 < 0 || offset2 < 0 ||
01741         (offset1 + charCount) > XMLString::stringLen(str1) ||
01742         (offset2 + charCount) > XMLString::stringLen(str2) )
01743         return false;
01745     return true;
01746 }
01748 inline bool XMLString::equals(   const XMLCh* const    str1
01749                                , const XMLCh* const    str2)
01750 {
01751     const XMLCh* psz1 = str1;
01752     const XMLCh* psz2 = str2;
01754     if (psz1 == 0 || psz2 == 0) {
01755         if ((psz1 != 0 && *psz1) || (psz2 != 0 && *psz2))
01756             return false;
01757         else
01758             return true;
01759     }
01761     while (*psz1 == *psz2)
01762     {
01763         // If either has ended, then they both ended, so equal
01764         if (!*psz1)
01765             return true;
01767         // Move upwards for the next round
01768         psz1++;
01769         psz2++;
01770     }
01771     return false;
01772 }
01774 inline bool XMLString::equals(   const char* const    str1
01775                                , const char* const    str2)
01776 {
01777     const char* psz1 = str1;
01778     const char* psz2 = str2;
01780     if (psz1 == 0 || psz2 == 0) {
01781         if ((psz1 != 0 && *psz1) || (psz2 != 0 && *psz2))
01782             return false;
01783         else
01784             return true;
01785     }
01787     while (*psz1 == *psz2)
01788     {
01789         // If either has ended, then they both ended, so equal
01790         if (!*psz1)
01791             return true;
01793         // Move upwards for the next round
01794         psz1++;
01795         psz2++;
01796     }
01797     return false;
01798 }
01800 inline int XMLString::lastIndexOf(const XMLCh* const toSearch, const XMLCh ch)
01801 {
01802     return XMLString::lastIndexOf(ch, toSearch, stringLen(toSearch));
01803 }
01805 inline unsigned int XMLString::hash(   const   XMLCh* const    tohash
01806                                 , const unsigned int    hashModulus
01807                                 , MemoryManager* const)
01808 {  
01809     assert(hashModulus);
01811     if (tohash == 0 || *tohash == 0)
01812         return 0;
01814     const XMLCh* curCh = tohash;
01815     unsigned int hashVal = (unsigned int)(*curCh);
01816     curCh++;
01818     while (*curCh)
01819     {
01820         hashVal = (hashVal * 38) + (hashVal >> 24) + (unsigned int)(*curCh);
01821         curCh++;
01822     }
01824     // Divide by modulus
01825     return hashVal % hashModulus;
01826 }
01830 #endif

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