| |
XSIDCDefinition Member ListThis is the complete list of members for XSIDCDefinition, including all inherited members.
fComponentType | XSObject | [protected] |
fId | XSObject | [protected] |
fIdentityConstraint | XSIDCDefinition | [protected] |
fKey | XSIDCDefinition | [protected] |
fMemoryManager | XSObject | [protected] |
fStringList | XSIDCDefinition | [protected] |
fXSAnnotationList | XSIDCDefinition | [protected] |
fXSModel | XSObject | [protected] |
getAnnotations() | XSIDCDefinition | |
getCategory() const | XSIDCDefinition | |
getFieldStrs() | XSIDCDefinition | |
getId() const | XSObject | [virtual] |
getName() | XSIDCDefinition | [virtual] |
getNamespace() | XSIDCDefinition | [virtual] |
getNamespaceItem() | XSIDCDefinition | [virtual] |
getRefKey() const | XSIDCDefinition | |
getSelectorStr() | XSIDCDefinition | |
getType() const | XSObject | |
IC_CATEGORY enum name | XSIDCDefinition | |
IC_KEY enum value | XSIDCDefinition | |
IC_KEYREF enum value | XSIDCDefinition | |
IC_UNIQUE enum value | XSIDCDefinition | |
operator delete(void *p) | XMemory | |
operator delete(void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr) | XMemory | |
operator delete(void *p, void *ptr) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr) | XMemory | |
setId(unsigned int id) | XSObject | |
XMemory() | XMemory | [protected] |
XSIDCDefinition(IdentityConstraint *const identityConstraint, XSIDCDefinition *const keyIC, XSAnnotation *const headAnnot, StringList *const stringList, XSModel *const xsModel, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XSIDCDefinition | |
XSObject(XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE compType, XSModel *const xsModel, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XSObject | |
~XSIDCDefinition() | XSIDCDefinition | |
~XSObject() | XSObject | [virtual] |